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教授 孫義方 博士

我是位植物群落生態學家,在東亞與東南亞的熱帶及亞熱帶森林地區擁有20多年的工作經驗。我的研究興趣主要在瞭解森林物種共存的機制。我曾在台灣建立了幾個森林動態樣區(Forest Dynamics Plots, FDP),包括南仁山、福山、蓮華池及墾丁等。此外,我也參與規劃和建立數個在中國和東南亞的森林動態樣區。我們在福山森林動態樣區也建立了植物功能性狀, 植物繁殖物候和幼苗動態的長期監測研究項目,我也在馬來西亞的Pasoh森林長期進行類似的研究。我們的實驗室收集了亞熱帶常綠森林的種子,幼苗動態和樹木生長、死亡率等長期數據。我們非常願意與研究人員和學生分享這些數據,一起合作了解這些森林系統中的關鍵過程。


Plant ecology ; forest dynamics ; tropical ecology





974301 花蓮縣壽豐鄉志學村大學路2段1號,國立東華大學,環境學院,生態及永續科學跨領域研究中心,B307室  


  • Seed dispersal, density dependence, and species diversity in evergreen broadleaved forests, Taiwan

  • Ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation in Cryptomeria japonica plantation forests

  • General flowering events and its impact on forest regeneration in Southeast Asia

  • Integration of Taiwan Forest Dynamics Plots


  • Schmid, J.S., Taubert, F., Wiegand, T., Sun, I-F., and A. Huth. (2020). Network science applied to forest megaplots: tropical tree species coexist in small-world networks. Scientific Reports 10, 13198. 

  • Chao, A., Chiu, C-H., Villéger, S., Sun, I-F., Thorn, S., Lin, Y-C., Chiang, J-M., and Sherwin, W.B. (2019). An attribute‐diversity approach to functional diversity, functional beta diversity, and related (dis)similarity measures. Ecological Monographs, 

  • Luskin, M. S., Brashares, J. S., Ickes, K., Sun, I-F., Fletcher, C., Wright, S. J., and Potts, M. (2017). Cross-boundary subsidy cascades from oil palm degrade distant tropical forests. Nature Communications,

  • Usinowicz, J., Chang-Yang, C-H., Chen, Y-Y., Clark, J. S., Fletcher, C., Garwood, N. C., Hao, Z., Johnstone, J., Lin, Y., Metz, M. R., Masaki, T., Nakashizuka, T., Sun, I-F., Valencia, R., Wang, Y., Zimmerman, J. K., Ives, A. R. and Wright, S. J. (2017). Temporal coexistence mechanisms contribute to the latitudinal gradient in forest diversity. Nature, 

  • Chen, Y., Satake, A., Sun, I-F., Kosugi, Y., Tani, M., Numata, S., Hubbell, S. P., Fletcher, C., Supardi, M. N. N., and Wright, S. J. (2017). Species-specific flowering cues among general flowering Shorea species at the Pasoh Research Forest, Malaysia. Journal of Ecology, 

  • Chang-Yang, C-H., Sun, I-F, Tsai, C-H., Lu, C-L., and Hsieh, C-F. (2016). ENSO and frost co-determine decade-long temporal variation in flower and seed production in a subtropical rainforest. Journal of Ecology, 104:44-54. 

  • Lasky, J. R., Sun, I-F., Su, S-H., Chen, Z-S., and Keitt T. H. (2013). Trait-mediated effects of environmental filtering on tree community dynamics. Journal of Ecology, 101:722-733.

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