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Dean of the College of Environmental Studies and Oceanograghy

  Wen-Yen Chang obtained a B.Sc. in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the Geophysics Institute, National Central University in Taiwan. Dr. Chang has been at the College of Environmental Sciences, National Dong Hwa University since 2012. He is now the Director of Eastern Taiwan Earthquake Research Center (E-TEC) at National Dong Hwa University, Hualien.


  The center was inaugurated in September 2013, highlighting government efforts to strengthen disaster prevention and response capabilities. It can collect intensive real-time data and strengthen monitoring mechanisms on the region’s seismic activity. In doing so we aim to provide an integrated platform for research on earthquake precursors, and to deliver early warnings for seismic disaster prevention in the eastern Taiwan. This is an ideal location for an earthquake research facility as frequent temblors are common in the East Taiwan rift valley.


  During the 2018 Hualien Earthquake, E-TEC played an important regional role in supporting the government, and is responsible for maintenance of LiWu river basin array in cooperation with GFZ Germany. We intend to integrate multi-disciplinary observations and maximize the amount and value of data for researchers to enable them to predict where and when the next big earthquake will strike Taiwan.


Seismology,  Geophysics,  Earthquake disaster reduction and prevention

Geophysics Lab, A441





CIRES, College of Environmental Studies, National Dong Hwa University. 

No.1, Sec.2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng, Hualien 974301, Taiwan.

Active Projects

  • The Seismic Investigation and Observation of the Milun Fault after 2018 Hualien Earthquake, Maintenance of E-TEC and Observational Experiment for Earthquake Precusors. (MOST, 2019.8.1-2022.7.31)

  • The characteristic study on seismic propagation in southern Taiwan: situational earthquake simulation and hazard analysis. (MOST, 2019.8.1-2020.7.31)

  • BEST (Bridging Earth Science & Technology): An Integrated Program for “Intelligent Prevention of Natural Disasters” and “International Cooperative Research of Earth Sciences” in South East Asia. (MOST, 2019.8.1-2020.7.31)

  • Survey and Evaluation of Environmental Data on Renewable Energy in Aboriginal Areas. (Private Company, 2019.8.1-2019.12.31)

Key Publications

  • Bond‐Lamberty, B, Christianson, DS, Malhotra, A, et al. COSORE: A community database for continuous soil respiration and other soil‐atmosphere greenhouse gas flux data. Global Change Biology. 2020; 00: 1– 16. 

  • Chang Wen-Yen, Meng-Che Wu, Yang-Lang Chang, Sheng-Yung Shih and Bormin Huang, (2018.Nov.), GPU Acceleration of Adaptive Local Kriging Applied to Retrieving Slant-Range Surface Motion Maps., IEEE J. of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS), Vol.11, No.11, p.4317-4325.

  • Chen Kuei-Pao and Wen-Yen Chang*,(2017. Apr. ) Estimating Seismic Hazards from the Catalog of Taiwan Earthquakes from 1900 to 2014 in Terms of Maximum Magnitude, Pure and Applied Geophysics. 174(4), 1615-1627.

  • Chang Wen-Yen, Kuei- Pao Chen and Yi- Ben Tsai, (2017. Mar.), Simultaneous Assessment of the Median Annual Seismicity Rate and their Dispersion for Taiwan Earthquakes in Different Depth Ranges, J. of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 135,136-154.

  • Chang Wen-Yen, Kuei- Pao Chen and Yi- Ben Tsai, (2017. Feb.), Alternative Representation of the Gutenberg-Richter Relation in terms of Logarithmic Mean Annual Seismicity Rate and its Standard Deviation, Natural Hazards, 85:1297–1322.

  • Chang Wen-Yen, Kuei- Pao Chen and Y. B. Tsai (2016. Mar.), An updated and refined catalog of earthquakes in Taiwan (1900–2014) with homogenized Mw magnitudes. Earth, Planets and Space, 68:45, pp.1-9.

  • Chen Kuei- Pao and Wen-Yen Chang*, (2015. Oct.), Estimation of Building Damage Rates from Future Earthquakes in Taiwan in Terms of MMI. Natural Hazards, Vol.79, pp.645-660.

Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Ecology and Sustainability, College of Environmental Studies, National Dong Hwa University

No.1, Sec.2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng, Hualien 974301, Taiwan.

Tel: +886-3-8903263

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